Sunday, May 13, 2012

Bead Embroidery

This week I tried my hand at some bead embroidery. I have been wanting to give it a try for some time now. I wanted to start with a small piece and attach it to me crazy quilt. It turned out OK for a first attempt. I'm sure I will try one to two more pieces and incorporate them into this quilt.

I have several beautiful books on bead embroidery by Sherry Serafini, Heidi Kummli, Robin Atkins and Jamie Cloud Eakin. I enjoy Sherry's, and Heidi's books for inspiration of ideas. Jamie's and Robin's books have a lot of instruction on different types of techniques used for this craft

Here you can see the embroidered pieces placement on the block. This block is almost finished but not quite. I want to put a branch for the spider web to sit on. And there are a few seams to finish yet.

I also tried my hand at working with some felt yesterday. I have seen some really cool pieces of felt on Pintrest lately. So I wanted to give that a try. Again, I started with a trail piece. I think I'm going to make another refrigerator magnet out of it. It was fun and really didn't require a huge amount of time. I just need to find more felt in a wider range of colors. Yet another excuse to go to the craft store....ha ha ha....

1 comment:

  1. I too have been playing with some bead embroidery but am having trouble at present with peyote so need practice.
