After taking a bead embroidery class with Hannah Rosner and Sherry Serafini this spring I think I found a new/another passion. I had a blast in that class. I've wanted to make another project for some time now. So I finally got around to tackling another cuff this week. I had purchased some shibori ribbon while at the show and used some sheer fancy ribbon that I have had for awhile and combined them. I also purchased the cabochon that is in the center of the cuff at the show. I wish I could remember the name of the booth because they had so many beautiful cabochons. Expensive but beautiful. Here are a few photos on how this cuff progressed.
I had a lot of fun with this one as I finished the top of it in like 2 days.
The rest of it is going to have to wait until I can find the right color of ultra suede to finish it off. I don't have a good source for ultra suede. So if anyone has a good source where I can locate many different colors of ultra suede please let me know in the comment section.
I have also signed up for the CQJP 2015(crazy quilt journal project) and BJP 2015 (bead journal project) this year. I did both of these a few years back and had a blast so I'm going to do it again this year. So all that should keep me busy for the year. So I'm sure I will be posting a little more this year.
I am also trying to get my Etsy shop and Ebay up and running. So far my Etsy shop is doing very well. I am offering many Czech buttons at very reasonable prices, some finished jewelry and a few miscellaneous items. Please feel free to come on over for a visit. Everyone have a wonderful week.